RV Life – Sustainable Nomad

Getting Permission to Work Remotely from Your RV

Getting Permission to Work Remotely from Your RV

Are you jealous of those people you see on social media living the life of their digital dreams while still working for a living? Of course, we know that we usually only see the good parts, but how great it is to have location freedom while drawing your paycheck. It...

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Sustainable RV Living: Choosing the right RV

Sustainable RV Living: Choosing the right RV

Having wanderlust and wandering around the country does not mean you are abusing the natural landscape around you. Sustainable RV living is an exciting lifestyle choice that allows you to roam freely while minimizing your environmental impact. But with so many...

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Mexico to Canada in an Hour

Mexico to Canada in an Hour

We have spent the past four months parked in Tucson, Arizona where Mt. Lemmon looms above us to the north. It is a beautiful mountain with a wide variety of rocky peaks that captures the light a little different each night. But what is more interesting is that when...

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Our First EV Experience

Our First EV Experience

As we were selling off all of our “stuff” before hitting the road we had a million decisions to make. A major one being the type of home we would buy and accompanying transportation. Mind you, the home is to be on wheels, because it is a tour after all. Since we had a...

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Climate Change and RV Travel

Climate Change and RV Travel

Originally published in RVTravel.com Every year it seems like our choices are increasingly limited as to where to find monthly stays.  Scores of climate refugees are jumping into their RVs, if they are lucky to have one, and driving to safety. Others are fleeing to...

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