Are you jealous of those people you see on social media living the life of their digital dreams while still working for a living? Of course, we know that we usually only see the good parts, but how great it is to have location freedom while drawing your paycheck.

It may be easier than you think to try the lifestyle for yourself.

Getting permission to work remotely from an RV requires careful planning, communication, and consideration of both your needs and your employer’s expectations. Review thest tips before you go shopping for RVs. 

Here are some suggested best practices for getting permission to work remotely from an RV:

  1. Assess Feasibility: Before approaching your boss, evaluate the feasibility of remote work from an RV. Consider factors such as the nature of your job, the tools and technology required, your ability to maintain productivity, and the impact on your team. If you are working from home, you already know it is possible.
  2. Prepare a Proposal: Develop a well-structured proposal outlining the benefits of working remotely from an RV. Include details about how you’ll maintain your work responsibilities, your plan for staying connected and productive, and any potential cost savings for the company. (I’ve included a sample proposal below.)
  3. Highlight the Benefits: Emphasize the advantages of remote work for both you and the company. Highlight benefits such as increased focus, reduced commute time, flexibility, and the potential for extended work hours due to the absence of commuting.
  4. Address Concerns: Anticipate and address any concerns your boss might have. Discuss how you’ll ensure consistent communication, manage time zones, and maintain collaboration with colleagues and clients.
  5. Share Success Stories: If you know of other employees or companies that have successfully implemented remote work from an RV, share these success stories to demonstrate that it’s a viable option. Others are getting permission to work remotely from an RV, so you can to.
  6. Offer a Trial Period: Propose a trial period during which you can prove your ability to maintain productivity while working from the road. This can help alleviate any concerns and demonstrate your commitment to making it work. Pick a three-to-four-week period where you can try different schedules. The one that seems to work for others is parking in a spot Monday through Friday and then do the travel during the weekend to your next spot.
  7. Provide a Plan: Outline your detailed plan for staying connected, addressing emergencies, and managing potential challenges such as power outages or unreliable internet connections.
  8. Address Security: Assure your boss that you’ll adhere to company security policies and protocols to protect sensitive information while working remotely.
  9. Suggest Communication Strategies: Detail how you’ll stay in touch with your team, including regular check-ins, video conferences, and status updates, to ensure everyone is on the same page.
  10. Be Flexible: Be open to negotiation and compromise. Your boss may have specific conditions or concerns, so be prepared to adjust your proposal accordingly.
  11. Showcase Past Performance: If you have a track record of consistently meeting or exceeding your goals while working remotely on occasion, highlight this to demonstrate your ability to manage remote work effectively.
  12. Demonstrate Accountability: Explain how you’ll track your work, set clear goals, and measure your progress to ensure that remote work doesn’t impact your performance.
  13. Arrange a Meeting: Request a one-on-one meeting with your boss to discuss your proposal in detail. This will allow for a more focused and comprehensive discussion.
  14. Be Patient: Understand that your boss may need time to consider getting permission to work remotely from an RV and its implications. Give them space to evaluate the request.
  15. Accept the Decision: Whether your request is approved or not, be gracious and professional in your response. If the answer is no, ask for feedback on why the decision was made and whether there might be alternative arrangements that could work.

This strategy can work in many different work environments. For example, when I was a grad student I worked for the Dean of my college in Alaska. Getting permission to work remotely from an RV during summer break was a stretch, but I took the leap. Nothing to lose! It was Alaska after all!  In my case, I had a project to work on and was able to work at my own pace.

Ironically, the project was to create an instructional CD for faculty while sitting in some of the most remote places in North America.

This was in 2001 so internet, smart phones, and WIFI were not a thing, especially in rural Alaska. This meant I had to find libraries to access email. But I worked on the project while sitting on picnic tables next to remote lakes watching eagles swoop down to catch a fish.

What better way to boost creativity?

Remember that successfully getting permission to work remotely from an RV is built on trust, communication, and mutual understanding. Approach the conversation with a positive and solutions-oriented attitude and you can find yourself in places that increase your productivity.

I am getting excited for you!

Here is a simple blueprint to get you started on your proposal getting permission to work remotely from an RV


[Your Name] [Your Position] [Date]

[Supervisor’s Name] [Supervisor’s Position] [Company Name]
Subject: Proposal for Remote Work Arrangement

Dear [Supervisor’s Name],

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to formally request the opportunity to work remotely as part of a well-considered and structured arrangement. I believe that implementing this arrangement would be mutually beneficial for both me and the company.

  1. Overview: I propose a remote work arrangement where I would work from my RV for a designated period, while maintaining my responsibilities, productivity, and communication with the team. This proposal aims to leverage technology and adaptability to ensure uninterrupted workflow while offering increased focus and flexibility.
  2. Benefits to the Company:
  • Enhanced Productivity: Working in a controlled and distraction-free environment will allow me to dedicate more focused time to tasks and projects, potentially leading to improved output and efficiency.
  • Cost Savings: With reduced commuting time and expenses, I can contribute to cost savings for the company.
  • Business Continuity: The proposed arrangement will act as a contingency plan, ensuring business operations can continue seamlessly in the event of disruptions to the physical office.
  1. Benefits to Myself:
  • Flexibility and Work-Life Balance: A remote work arrangement will provide me with the flexibility to manage my work and personal commitments more effectively, leading to improved work-life balance.
  • Increased Productivity: The ability to structure my work environment according to my preferences will likely result in increased productivity and motivation.
  • Reduced Commute Stress: Eliminating daily commutes will reduce stress and enable me to invest additional time in my role.
  1. Communication and Collaboration:
  • I am committed to maintaining open and consistent communication with the team through various channels, including video conferencing, instant messaging, and email.
  • Regular check-ins and progress updates will ensure alignment on tasks, projects, and objectives.
  1. Tools and Technology:
  • I have ensured that my RV is equipped with the necessary technology, including high-speed internet connectivity and video conferencing capabilities.
  • Security measures will be taken to protect company data, ensuring adherence to established protocols.
  1. Trial Period and Evaluation:
  • To demonstrate the viability of this arrangement, I propose a trial period of [specific duration]. During this time, I will track my performance and provide regular updates on my progress and achievements.
  • At the end of the trial period, we can jointly evaluate the effectiveness of the remote work arrangement and address any concerns or adjustments.
  1. Flexibility and Adaptable Approach:
  • I understand the importance of remaining adaptable to changing circumstances and company needs. I am open to revisiting and adjusting this arrangement based on feedback and outcomes.
  1. Conclusion: I am excited about the possibility of contributing to the success of the company while embracing a remote work lifestyle. I am confident that this arrangement will not only demonstrate my dedication but also showcase the company’s commitment to innovation and flexible work solutions.

I kindly request the opportunity to discuss this proposal further at your earliest convenience. Your insights and feedback will be invaluable in shaping this potential remote work arrangement.

Thank you for considering my proposal. I look forward to the opportunity to discuss this in detail.


[Your Name] [Your Contact Information]